From 28 to 30 November 2022, Mu.MA is taking part in the 4th International Symposium "DIASPORE ITALIANE. ITALY IN MOVEMENT. Borders between us and the others. The right to migrate as a human right. Transits, experiences and imaginaries /Fronteras entre nosotros y los otros. El derecho a migrar como derecho humano. Tránsitos, experiencias, imaginarios".
The fourth edition of the symposium brings together researchers and scholars committed to exploring the issue of the Italian diaspora from the period of mass migration to the present day. The aim is to take up the debates of the previous meetings, including the diaspora from a transnational and transcultural perspective, to reflect on the historical and current dimension of the right to migrate as a human right and to create networks of studies that further explore the topic on the basis of joint projects.
The theme of this edition "Frontiere fra noi e gli altri. Il diritto a migrare come diritto umano. Transiti, esperienze e immaginari" (Frontiers Between Us and Others.The right to migrate as a human right. Transits, experiences and imaginaries) is divided into 11 panels and features over 50 international speakers.
The panel "Musei e migrazioni: progettazione museale e partecipazione delle comunità discendenti" (Museums and migration: museum design and participation by descendant communities), promoted by Mu.MA, presents the Mei live for the first time in Argentina and welcomes interventions by three other international organisations:
- "Istituzioni della migrazione: pratiche culturali democratiche e strategie transnazionali" (Institutions of migration: democratic cultural practices and transnational strategies). Curated by Dr. Paolo Baracchi, Cultural Programs Manager, CO.AS.IT. Melbourne, Australia
- "El rol de la historia oral en la construccion del relato museografico. El caso de la muestra Del mediterrane orental al Plata". Curated by Dr Marcelo Huernos, researcher at MUNTREF- Museo de la Inmigración, Buenos Aires
- "Il Museo dell’Emigrazione Marchigiana di Recanati piattaforma di condivisione: come la pandemia ha cambiato il rapporto del museo con gli utenti e le comunità marchigiane nel mondo" (The Museo dell'Emigrazione Marchigiana in Recanati as a platform for sharing: how the pandemic has changed the museum's relationship with users and communities from the Marche region around the world). Curated by Dr Luigi Petruzzellis – Head of the 'Infinito Recanati' museum circuit - Museo Emigrazione Marchigiana di Recanati.