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32nd AEMI - Association of European Migration Institutions Conference

On 29 and 30 September, the MEI Museum is taking part in the 32nd AEMI - Association of European Migration Institutions - Conference, a network of forty European organisations that focuses its activities on studying the history of migration in Europe. The Association was founded in Germany in 1991 and now includes representatives from as many as twenty European countries.

There will be over 20 international speakers at the conference, held in the town of Fafe, in Portugal, with the title “Refúgio è acolhimento-Caminos para a inserçao - Refuge and Hosting-Paths towards Inclusion”.

The MEI has proposed a paper entitled “L’esodo Giuliano dalmata all’interno del percorso espositivo del Museo nazionale dell’Emigrazione Italiana” (The Istrian–Dalmatian exodus within the exhibition itinerary of the National Museum of Italian Emigration) illustrated in the panel dedicated to the Museum of Migrations.

Click HERE to download the event programme.