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Migrantes Italians in the World Report

On the 8th of November 2022 in Rome, Fondazione Migrantes presented the Foundation’s Italians in the World Report 2022.

Introductory intervention
Francesco Savino, Deputy Chairman of the Italian Episcopal Conference

Presentation of the Report
Delfina Licata, Researcher for the Migrantes Foundation

Luigi Maria Vignali, Director General for Italians abroad and migratory policies
Paolo Masini, Chairman of the of the Steering Committee of the Museo dell’Emigrazione Italiana
Claudio Visconti, Head of the Foyer Catholique Européen - Bruxelles

Pierpaolo Felicolo Director General of the Migrantes Foundation

Presented by:
Monica Marangoni Journalist and RAI presenter

The Chairman of the MEI Steering Committee, Paolo Masini, spoke at the presentation of the Migrantes Foundation Report 2022.

The emigration of Italian citizens has been confirmed as a structural fact: to date, the number of Italians officially registered in the Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all'Estero - AIRE (the Register of Italians Resident Abroad) has exceeded the population of foreigners who are legally resident in Italy. That's over 5.8 million people, representing 9.8% of all Italian citizens. After slowing down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, departures have resumed and they concern all Italian regions.

They are mainly young people (21.8% are between 18 and 34 years old), young adults (23.2% are between 35 and 49 years old), but also mature adults (19.4% are between 50 and 64 years old) and the elderly (21% are over 65 years old, but of these 11.4% are over 75 years old). Minors account for 14.5%.

Italian mobility increased by 87% overall between 2006 and 2022, with 94.8% for women and 75.4% for minors.

There are Italians in every country in the world. The most numerous communities to date are in Argentina (903,081), Germany (813,650), Switzerland (648,320), Brazil (527,901) and France (457,138).