From 20 to 22 October, Mu.MA – Istituzione dei musei del mare e delle migrazioni will be taking part in the "Sharing Museums/Musées partagées" convention: an international symposium, three days of meetings to analyse the challenges tackled by the museums of migration, the issues of diversity and the implications of restitution, organised by the Musée de l’Histoire de l’immigration, Palais de la Porte Dorèe, Paris.
Director Pierangelo Campodonico participates in the panel dedicated to the theme "Museums of Migrations, migrations in museums, singular objects", an opportunity to discuss and explore how, why, and in which context museums entirely dedicated to migration, temporary exhibitions and spaces dedicated to migration in museums with a broader theme have addressed and are addressing the subject of migration, reflecting very different approaches and taking many forms.
Museums have always been recognised as institutions that protect and transmit cultural and artistic heritage. Today, the mission requested by civil society is that all citizens find their place in these cultural spaces, often considered elitist and promoters of an academic knowledge.
Since 2005, the year of its foundation, the Mu.MA with its museums, in particular with the MeM - Memorie e Migrazioni (Memories and Migrations) and the new MEI - Museo Nazionale della Migrazione Italiana (National Museum of Italian Migration), has been pursuing the guidelines identifying its unity and purpose, becoming the cultural soul of a "sea system" to be enhanced also through cooperation with similar institutional, economic, tourist and cultural national and international realities.
The comparison between the different approaches taken by the world's individual museum institutions during the three-day Parisian event contributes to making museums a place for sharing, debate and common history.
Click HERE to view and download the event programme.